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2 Marketing Strategies to Make Money Online with Affiliate Programs!

The following strategies are the main money making strategies used by the Gurus. These strategies, implemented correctly will make you money with your affiliate programs.

Thefirst strategy to make money online is building a list. 

This strategy is the most important step to continue tomake money long term. If you do not already have some type of autorepondersystem you need to get one. Don’t be cheap here either because your entirebusiness will hinge on this one piece of software. 

You can build your list many different ways. You can buyleads from reputable list building companies and get them into yourautoresponder. Most good list building companies will have an option to send anemail to your autoresponder so you don’t have to manually input the lead’sinformation. 

Another effective way of building your list is from thetraffic that visits your website. This step, which is probably the most effective,does require you to have a website in order to implement an opt-in list form. Of course if your Affiliate program does offer a list management service thenyou can send traffic to the affiliate URL, but I don’t recommend it as you willusually not be able to email the entire list with special offers. 

To make the most of your opt-in form and get the mostsignups, you should place it in your sales page text. It should bestrategically located in the sales text after you present a problem. The titleof your autoresponder email series should address the problem by offering asolution. In the example below we will assume that I am selling a hostingpackage and I want opt-in subscribers to my email course for back-end sales. 

Example: You can use the pre-built websites or build yourown. Many people think that building a website is hard, but I can show you howeasy it really is. Take my 10 day email course “Build a Website with Ease”[signup form here]. 

Thesecond strategy to make money online is driving traffic to your website. 

When I say traffic, I don’t just mean any old traffic, Imean targeted traffic, people who are motivated and ready to buy can and willmake you money. You can use programs and techniques such as Google Adwords,bloging, article writing and linking to drive targeted traffic to your website. GoogleAdwords is a resource offered by Google in which you can payfor your site to be show when certain keywords are queried in their searchengine. 

The secret to using Adwords is not to bid high on popular keywords. Instead,what you do is find similar keywords that still describe your website, but are usedmuch less frequent. These keywords will cost much less to bid on and will allowyou to spread your money out over many different keywords, getting the most bangfor your buck. You can use this handy little tool to find similar keywords: 

Bloging is another greatway to drive targeted traffic to your website. To get the most out of this techniquethe blog should be hosted on the same website as the sales page witch links toyour affiliate program. Once its setup all you have to do is fill your blogwith good quality content. 

I recommend writing your own content which specificallyrelates to your affiliate program and or products. Once you have some contentyou will need to submit your RSS feed to the as many blog search engines as youcan. This will put your blog out there for other webmasters to use as content feeds on their websites. 

This win-win situation allows webmasters to have qualitycontent on their website, which increases the value of that website whiledriving targeted traffic directly to you. 

This is done by the URL link that youconveniently placed under your name after the blog was written. That means that your link is on a blog feed that is onthousands of websites. Not only do people click those links but Google seesthese links pointing back to you and thinks that you’re popular and you arerewarded with a higher page rank. 

Articlewriting is basically the same as bloging except theinformation in an article will need to have more useful content and be pepperedwith keywords that the webmasters are looking for. After completing yourarticle you will submit (syndicate) it to content sites as opposed to blogsearch engines. 

Content sites are places where webmasters go to findspecific content to offer their readers. If you are a good writer you may atsome point build up a name for yourself and finagle a deal with a webmaster towrite exclusives for his site. His readers get great exclusive content and youget highly motivated targeted traffic. 

Linking is perhaps themost widely used form of increasing traffic and page rank. However, if doneincorrectly you could end up hurting your Google page rank and ultimatelyloosing potential buyers. You will need your own website for this technique asyou will need a ‘links’ page to place your reciprocal links on. 

Many people go and submit their URL links to link farms inan attempt to trick Google into giving them a better page rank. This does NOTwork; in fact Google has been known to penalize websites for engaging in theseactivities. 

The secret to linking is to find websites in your nichemarket which have a Google page rank of 4 or above and enticing the webmasterto list your link on their website. You may think that you would be helpingyour competition, well you would be. But your competition would be helping youas well. It’s better to send leaving traffic to a partner than just having themclose their browser window, and remember that works both ways. 

The strategies listed in this article do work and they willincrease you sales and residuals it done correctly. Reciprocal linking, Blogingand Article writing are great ways to bring massive amounts of high qualitytargeted traffic to your website. Those strategies combined with an effectivesales page with an integrated opt-in email list can make your business soar tonew heights. You can and will make money with this system, Guaranteed!

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